Episcopal Conference of Turkey Turkey Satirci Sokak 2, Harbiye 34367 Istanbul Turkey https://www.katolik-kilisesi.org/ Maha Ganni: Migrant, Refugee, Humanitarian Expert As the ICMC Deployment Program entered its 20th year, we invited Ms. Maha Ganni, the program’s first humanitarian expert, to... ICMC Assists Croatia’s Efforts to Resettle Refugees The International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) is supporting the Croatian government as the latter works to resettle 100 refugees currently... Volunteering to Foster Refugee Integration: The Example of Turkey Volunteering can play a valuable role in strengthening refugees’ integration. With this idea in mind, the International Catholic Migration Commission... Preparing Refugees for a New Life in Europe As the number of refugees resettled in Europe grows, the need to ensure that they can quickly rebuild their lives... Publication Paving the Way for Refugees in Turkey: From Reception to Durable Solutions April 1, 2018 Jahmir, an Iraqi Journalist Who Was Resettled From Turkey to the USA Jahmir* is a forty-one year old journalist from Iraq. Last year, together with his wife and four children, he was... Realigning Humanitarian Space: ICMC Secretary General’s Thoughts on the World Humanitarian Summit On the occasion of the World Humanitarian Summit, which took place on 23-24 May in Istanbul (Turkey), ICMC's Secretary General...