NGOs Urge EU States to Renew Commitment to Refugee Protection
June 23, 2022
Advocacy Complementary Pathways Resettlement (Advocacy)
ICMC Europe and six other NGOs call on EU Member States to show renewed leadership on resettling refugees. While welcoming support given to those displaced by war in Ukraine, the NGOs stress the urgency to meet other global protection needs by expanding resettlement and complementary pathways.
European civil society coalition calls for reinforced commitments to resettlement
June 13, 2022
Resettlement & Complementary Pathways Complementary Pathways Resettlement (Advocacy)
"The EU must significantly ramp up its commitment to resettlement." ICMC Europe joins NGO coalition urging the EU and its member States to revive and scale up refugee resettlement efforts, and ensure that resettlement is not neglected as the international community shifts its focus to the Ukraine crisis.
The EU Cannot Shirk Its Responsibilities Towards Afghans in Need of Protection
September 16, 2021
Resettlement & Complementary Pathways Asylum Complementary Pathways Resettlement (Advocacy) Returns
As humanitarian needs in Afghanistan continue to escalate, ICMC Europe, the SHARE Network, and over 15 other organizations appeal to the EU not to forget its responsibility towards Afghans but rather to place protection at the center of its response.
Time to Get Resettlement Moving!
July 7, 2021
Resettlement & Complementary Pathways Complementary Pathways COVID recovery Resettlement (Advocacy)
Ahead of the European Union’s Resettlement Forum, ICMC Europe and five other organizations appeal to the EU institutions and member states to urgently revive and increase resettlement efforts by completing their pledge to resettle 30,000 refugees this year, and at least 36,000 in 2022.
ICMC Recommendations at UNECE Regional Review of Global Compact for Migration
November 24, 2020
Advocacy Complementary Pathways COVID-19 Detention Global Compact on Migration
At the UNECE Regional Review of the Global Compact for Migration, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, ICMC urged governments to grant migrants access to services, expand regular migration pathways, and end detention.