Participation & Co-creation for Refugee & Migrant Integration in the EU Webinar
December 15, 2020
10:00 am
— 12:00 pm
Timezone: Europe/Brussels
Organized by ICMC Europe and the SHARE Network, this webinar focuses on the creation of “co-design” approaches that involve refugees and migrants in decisions and policymaking that affects them.
Marika Carlucci
Additional info
Bilingual webinar with simultaneous interpretation in English and French
Registration is mandatory to attend this webinar
Register here ➡️
The European Commission’s new Action Plan for Integration & Inclusion for 2021-27, launched 24 November 2020, aims to facilitate expanded participation of refugees, migrants and ‘host’ communities in designing and implementing effective integration measures and programmes.
Refugees and migrants are in a unique position to observe the successes and shortcomings of the services and policies designed to facilitate their integration and inclusion.
In many EU countries, participatory and co-creation approaches are implemented in sectors such as social services, healthcare and urban development. Such approaches are less common in relation to refugees and migrants, who are often not systematically consulted or included as stakeholders and partners when developing and evaluating the actions and policies that affect them.
This webinar forms part of a programme of SHARE Network activities for 2020-22 focusing on participatory and co-creation approaches for refugee and migrant integration.
A full agenda and concept will be available soon. The webinar will be conducted in both English and French, with simultaneous interpretation provided for both.