Launch of “The Future of Work: Labour After Laudato Sì” Initiative Conclusions
December 15, 2020
4:00 pm
— 6:00 pm
Timezone: Europe/Brussels
The event will present the conclusions of “The Future of Work: Labour After Laudato Sì” 5-year initiative, that aims to support Catholic-inspired organizations as they work towards a more just labor market, based on insight from Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Sì.
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Registration mandatory. Please register here ➡️
Simultaneous translation available in English, Spanish, French and Italian.
The session shall include a presentation of project findings and recommendations and a discussion on way forward.
There will be simultaneous translation during the webinar in: English, Spanish, French and Italian.
Regarding the global initiative – The Future of Work – Labour after Laudato Si’
This global project aimed to provide Catholic-inspired and other faith-based organizations with the capacity to contribute jointly to the promotion and implementation of Laudato Sì in areas related to work and to dialogue with employers and workers organizations on this matter. The project brought together, in particular, Christian business associations, international movements, local communities, Conferences of Catholic Bishops, Jesuit and other religious social and research centers and universities, and organizations from other religious traditions. This initiative involved six tracks of research on the future of work as well as collection of good practice and capacity-building models and was proposed after five years of collaboration at the global level related to the Sustainable Development Goals.