Conferencia internacional: Trabajo es cuidado – Cuidado es trabajo
June 21, 2021
3:30 pm
— 6:30 pm
Timezone: Europe/Berlin
Live streaming online
No registration required
In Spanish only.
Care is Work, Work is Care International Conference. Organized by National University Jauretche of Argentina, CEBITEPAL, the ICMC-coordinated The Future of Work, Labour After Laudato Si project, and the Grupo de Trabajo CLACSO El futuro del trabajo y cuidado de la casa común.
ICMC Secretary General Msgr. Robert J. Vitillo will join Claudio Moroni, Argentinian Minister of Labor, Employment and Social Security of Argentina, Susana Nuin, Director of the CEBITEPAL-CELAM center of Colombia, and Cicero Da Silva, Secretary of the Confederación Sindical de los Trabajadores/as de las Américas to discuss the role of the State in caring for workers, and the importance of considering care a form of work.
For more information, please visit