Complementary Pathways to Europe: From Humanitarian to Labour and Education Corridors – Experiences and Best Practices
December 12, 2023
9:00 am
— 12:00 pm
Timezone: Europe/Berlin
Conference Room, Rue de Varembé 1
Geneva, Switzerland
This linked event will aim to highlights the experience of humanitarian corridors in Italy and their connection with community sponsorship programmes, and to promote an inclusive dialogue focused on the contribution and experience of each actor and stakeholder involved in the process. In the frame of complementary pathways, humanitarian corridors have stood out for being a successful experience that involves both institutions and civil society, bringing together a wide range of stakeholders, including representatives of UNHCR, the Italian Government, and countries of first asylum with whom Caritas Italiana has collaborated over the years.
The event will feature the participation of various actors sharing their experiences through interactive sessions, with the goal of developping a better understanding of the journey of the humanitarian corridors’ beneficiaries, from the beginning to their integration to the host society.
Oliviero Forti (Caritas Italiana)
Ms. Floriana Polito (Caritas Internationalis)
Additional info
Sponsored by: EU- PASSWORLD partnership
Co-organizaed by: Caritas Internationalis, FCEI