
ICMC Statement on the Executive Order Suspending the United States Refugee Admissions Program 3

ICMC Statement on the Executive Order Suspending the United States Refugee Admissions Program

On 20 January, the President of the United States issued an Executive Order that suspends the United States Refugee Admissions...
ICMC Coordinates Civil Society Participation in the 2024-25 Global Forum on Migration and Development

ICMC Coordinates Civil Society Participation in the 2024-25 Global Forum on Migration and Development

The GFMD Civil Society Mechanism kicks off ‘Civil Society on the Road to Colombia’, building capacity and dialogue and ensuring...
ICMC Joins High-Level Dialogue on Work and Care in Latin America and the Caribbean 1

ICMC Joins High-Level Dialogue on Work and Care in Latin America and the Caribbean

On 11-12 November 2024, ICMC joined forty invited representatives of Church, business, trade union, and academic organizations from Latin America...
ICMC Joins European Discussions on Shaping the Future of Work in the Global Care Sector.

ICMC Joins European Discussions on Shaping the Future of Work in the Global Care Sector

On 30 October 2024, UNI Care Europa organized a Care Dialogue at the Brussels offices of the European Economic and...
James J. Norrisand Poppe Paul VI

James J. Norris, former President of ICMC, and the Call to greater Catholic Church Action Against Poverty

Today marks the 60th anniversary of James J. Norris' historic address during the Second Vatican Council, a speech that profoundly...
Colombia Launches the 2024-2025 Program for the Global Forum on Migration and Development 1

Colombia Launches the 2024-2025 Program for the Global Forum on Migration and Development

The 2024-25 Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) process was launched by the Colombian Chairship during an event held on 3 September 2024...
Davide Bernocchi

The Paradigm of Human Fraternity

Today, with “the multiplication of conflicts, disruptions caused by climate change, and other natural disasters, as well as large-scale economic...
110th World Day of Migrants and Refugees

110th World Day of Migrants and Refugees

ICMC's statement on the occasion of World Day of Migrants and Refugees (WDMR), celebrated on Sunday, September 29, highlights Pope...
ICMC President Miss Christine Nathan addresses the 112th ILC plenary debate on 5 June 2024

ICMC Highlights Refugees and Migrants at 112th International Labour Conference

ICMC delegation joins delegates from the 187 Member States of the International Labour Organization in Geneva on 3-14 June 2024,...
World Refugee Day 2024 – For a World Where Refugees Are Welcomed 2

World Refugee Day 2024 – For a World Where Refugees Are Welcomed

Observed every year on 20 June, World Refugee Day honors the contributions and resilience of people who have been forced...
Bishops’ Conference in England and Wales Urges Recognition of the Dignity and Humanity of Those Seeking Protection

Bishops’ Conference in England and Wales Urges Recognition of the Dignity and Humanity of Those Seeking Protection

Amidst increasingly restrictive UK asylum policies and ongoing deaths in the English Channel, the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and...
‘Obtaining an Identity Document Gives People the Kind of Life They Did Not Have Before’ 1

‘Obtaining an Identity Document Gives People the Kind of Life They Did Not Have Before’

ICMC interviews H.E. Buti Tlhagale, Archbishop of Johannesburg and spokesperson for the Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference, on statelessness, migration,...
Pope Francis

Towards Dignified Work.

On 8-10 May, representatives of the Holy See, Episcopal Conferences, International Inter-Governmental Organizations, NGOs, trade unions, faith-based organizations, including the...
Participants to the event

Actions of Faith-inspired organizations to Advance Health and HIV Care for Migrants, Refugees, and Displaced Populations

From 12 to 14 March 2024, the International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) hosted a workshop titled "Faith Sector's Engagement with...
Joint Statement: The New EU Resettlement Framework Is a Chance To Bring More Refugees to Safety

Joint Statement: The New EU Resettlement Framework Is a Chance To Bring More Refugees to Safety

On 10 April 2024, the European Parliament adopted the Pact on Migration and Asylum, and alongside it, the new Union...

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ICMC provides assistance and protection to vulnerable people on the move and advocates for sustainable solutions for refugees and migrants.