
"It Is Misery That Sends Us"

“It Is Misery That Sends Us”

Annual Report 2023

Donors & Finances 8

Donors & Finances

ICMC President Miss Christine Nathan addresses the 112th ILC plenary debate on 5 June 2024

ICMC Highlights Refugees and Migrants at 112th International Labour Conference

ICMC delegation joins delegates from the 187 Member States of the International Labour Organization in Geneva on 3-14 June 2024,...

Holy Father: “Spread the Gospel of Hope” to Migrants

Source: Catholic News Agency

In Trieste, Italy, on the migratory route to Europe, Pope Francis urged Catholics to look for God in “human misery.” The pontiff asked, “Why, in the face of evil that is rampant … the sufferings of migrants, do we not become scandalized?” in a homily at the end of the 50th Social Week of Catholics.

Church in Ethiopia Serves Those Forcibly Displaced by Conflict

Source: Agenzia Fides

Catholics in Ethiopia are committed to assisting those forcibly displaced by conflict, the President of the Episcopal Conference told Agenzia Fides. “The Church wants to offer help in the social, psychological, spiritual, and trauma treatment areas,” Cardinal Berhaneyesus Demerew Souraphiel said.

Spanish Bishops Urge Integration of Migrant Children and Youth

Source: Omnes

The migration sub-commission of the Spanish Episcopal Conference endorsed a call from Bishops of the Canary Islands to “create a culture of encounter” and protect young migrants. They called for public authorities to establish reception arrangements that foster the integration of migrant minors.

EU Bishops Voice Concern for Welcome of Forcibly Displaced People

Source: EWTN Vatican

On the tail end of elections in Europe, Bishop Mariano Crociata, President of the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences in the EU, stressed the need for countries in the block to unite to welcome forcibly displaced people and to foster dialogue between governmental authorities and churches.

Irish Bishops Denounce Human Trafficking, Urge Church Response

Source: Crux

Human trafficking “is wrong, it is illegal, and it is sinful,” Irish Bishops said in a recent statement that highlighted increased forced migration from Great Britain to Ireland. They urged Catholic parishes to become better informed and to continue responding to and raising awareness of the issue.

Sudanese refugee family registering with UNHCR in Cairo

Catholic Parishes in Egypt Assist Refugees Fleeing Brutal Conflict in Sudan

As the war in Sudan continues with no prospect of peace, Catholic parishes are providing lifesaving assistance and support for...

Church in Guinea Supports Potential and Returning Migrants

Source: Agenzia Fides

The Church in Guinea is offering “Free to Leave or Stay” information sessions for young people at risk of irregular migration to raise awareness of the challenges of such a path, Bishop Raphaël Balla Guilavogui told Agenzia Fides. The Episcopal Conference is also assisting returnees to reintegrate.

World Refugee Day 2024 – For a World Where Refugees Are Welcomed 2

World Refugee Day 2024 – For a World Where Refugees Are Welcomed

Observed every year on 20 June, World Refugee Day honors the contributions and resilience of people who have been forced...
Gabriela Agatiello

Davide Bernocchi

Davide Bernocchi became the Secretary General of the International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) in June 2024. Born in Italy, Mr....

New U.S. Policy Disregards “Fundamental Humanitarian Protections”

Source: The Tablet

U.S. Bishops have condemned a new policy that restricts the opportunity to seek international protection at the country’s southern border. “We are deeply disturbed by this disregard for fundamental humanitarian protections and U.S. asylum law,” said migration lead Bishop Mark J. Seitz.

Mexican Bishops Say Border Management Must Respect Human Rights

Source: Catholic Herald

Mexican Bishops have said a new migration directive from the U.S. Administration allows for “arbitrary deportations without any guarantee for asylum claiming.” A declaration from the Episcopal migration commission urged authorities to ensure that border management respects human rights and dignity.

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ICMC provides assistance and protection to vulnerable people on the move and advocates for sustainable solutions for refugees and migrants.