Connecting the Dots: A Fresh Look at Managing International Migration

Connecting the Dots: A Fresh Look at Managing International Migration 1

Over a period of three months, ICMC has consulted leading policy makers and actors within the migration field, bringing them together for informal discussions on the diverse challenges associated with global migration flows and approaches, and to discuss ways to improve international migration management. “Connecting the dots” offers a summary report of these first conversations, including recommendations for next steps.

In a modest way and with its own funds, ICMC has sought specifically to facilitate an informal dialogue among leading migration actors to explore both process and policy-related issues of global governance.  Launched simply an an exploratory “first phase” in October 2009, the initiative was entitled Conversations on the Global Governance of Migration.

The first phase of Conversations engaged 43 participants from a variety of migration fields, and consisted of two round-tables, a number of one-one-one meetings and a series of individual discussions with UN Ambassadors and migration actors, primarily based in Geneva.

Discussions were informal and were driven by three questions: how would you describe and evaluate the current level of migration governance, and how could these efforts be improved and deepened? What new and realistic ideas, proposals and recommendations do you think would facilitate a more globally unified response to migration challenges? Where can “we” go from here after this first phase of Conversations, and what kind of follow-up would you think is necessary and helpful in advancing this process?

The report that follows represents the open and frank responses given to these questions, and the interactive discussions that they generated. In doing so, the report attempts to capture the essential themes, issues and questions that participants raised, and provide a number of key recommendations, including on conceptualizing, building governance, and on the role and engagement of intergovernmental and other migration actors.



ICMC provides assistance and protection to vulnerable people on the move and advocates for sustainable solutions for refugees and migrants.