The Future of Work in Chicago’s Hospitality Industry – A Social Dialogue
June 13, 2023
8:00 am
— 4:00 pm
Timezone: America/Chicago
Mercy Home for Boys and Girls, 1140 W Jackson Blvd, Chicago, IL 60607
This convening brings together leaders from the faith community, labor, the hospitality and tourism industry, community-based organizations, students, hospitality workforce, and government to discuss the challenges facing Chicago’s hospitality industry and develop a shared vision for the future. The day will result in the drafting of a values statement to help stakeholders navigate the challenges facing Chicago and the hospitality industry.
The event is sponsored by the Chicago Federation of Labor. Co-sponsors include Mercy Home for Boys and Girls, ARISE Chicago, the Center for Social Concerns at the University of Notre Dame, the International Catholic Migration Commission, and “The Future of Work – Labour after Laudato si’” initiative.